Hudson valley.. your all going to be saved by me…this is your day of
salvation… from that other station that claims to be the home of Rock and roll…this is not true, they should be the home of endless loops.. boring people to no end.. brain washing people with this crap of lousy music like the black
crows had no other songs than “Hard To Handle” or “She talks to Angels…they have been getting away with it for years..
Not anymore.. your savior of real rock and roll music is here to take over….I am your savior…Your going to love my playlist.. your going to forget that station within 15 minutes of listening to my playlist..
On Thursday nights at 8 pm.. Tune in to the most offensive show on the net..
Today’s shock jock RATED R comedy star and saver of real rock and roll music.. The shock jock has returned..
Plus other segments just for you…
And also please Give to the show of shows…
Help us give great programing.. Believe me you will love this station !